BBinar: Challenges of long-term care in the Western Balkans



The 7th BBinar on 20/02/2024 focused on the situation of long-term care systems in the Western Balkans and served to discuss key issues based on findings of recent research by the Red Cross of Serbia. The study Long-term care of older persons and persons with disabilities included a desk analysis of regulations and publicly available data, quantitative research involving 3,900 older persons and persons with disabilities at working age as well as qualitative interviews with service providers, institutional representatives, and long-term care service users: What is the current state of long-term care in the Western Balkans? What are the expectations of persons in need of care and their informal carers? How can the accessibility and the quality of services be improved? Which policies are needed to develop long-term care systems in the Western Balkans and which initiatives have shown to be sustainable?