At the POOSH final conference that took place in Venice on 11 October 2018, project researchers informed on the findings of the nine case studies, namely Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. Ms. Sonila Danaj explained that the transition from one national labour market to another within the EU creates a disruption in the OSH protection of (posted) workers and thus, exposes them to multiple vulnerabilities with negative consequences to their OSH. Policy-makers should consider both the cross-border and temporary mobility of posted workers as well as the legal implications of posting as movement of services rather than people. The conference concluded with a transnational round table on ‘The Importance of Ensuring Safe and Healthy Work across Borders’, with input from Carita Rammus (DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, European Commission), Karel Van Damme (FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue, Belgium), Sonila Danaj (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Austria), Mercedes Landolfi (FILLEA CGIL, Italy) and Marina Mesure (General Confederation of Labour, France).