Research Article: New research article published in EuroHealth on inequality and inequity in the use of long-term care in Europe



The latest Eurohealth issue focused on Access to care in Europe, includes the Eurohealth Observer original article by Ricardo Rodrigues, Stefania Ilinca and Andrea E. Schmidt on “Inequality and inequity in the use of long-term care services in Europe: is there reason for concern?”. Drawing on data and results from previous European Centre research (Ilinca et al., 2017; Rodrigues et al., 2017), the authors discuss the differences between 14 European countries in the use of long-term care services across income groups. There is little evidence of inequity in the use of formal care services across Europe. However, poorer individuals disproportionately use informal care, even after accounting for differential care needs. To find out which countries fare better in targeting long-term care services to people living at home and what are the implications of inequalities in formal and informal care for European long-term care systems, click here.

Are you interested in reading more on this topic? Further relevant links:
Fairness and Eligibility to Long-Term Care: An Analysis of the Factors Driving Inequality and Inequity in the Use of Home Care for Older Europeans
Gender and social class inequalities in active ageing
Analysing equity in the use of long-term care in Europe - Research note 9/2014 by Ricardo Rodrigues, Stefania Ilinca, Andrea Schmidt (2014)