Combatting inequalities and creating equal chances so that citizens feel recognised and supported can contribute to re-establishing trust within and across national and cultural boundaries. This rationale of social welfare policies is driving our work in research projects, publications, webinars, peer review meetings and trainings. This year's annual report provides an overview of our activities that were very much driven by attempts to promote dialogue, mutual learning and working in partnership.
To keep us going and to facilitate further research, we are constantly on the lookout for new research questions to be addressed, new methodological developments and innovative approaches in the field of social policies that should find their way into mainstream policymaking. Our flagship project to organise mutual learning activities with the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan countries has resulted in a series of peer reviews and trainings with colleagues and policymakers. Moreover, the Centre is providing expertise and technical assistance to the European Community of Practice on Partnership (ECoPP) and supported the Peer Learning Dialogue (PLD) on preventing and detecting undeclared work in the context of platform work. Last but not least, the European Centre’s initiative to expand its activities in capacity building has further evolved, in particular with new opportunities for online trainings.
European solutions will also be needed in many other areas in the context of major transformations and a world of polycrisis. Building bridges without solid pillars and balanced statics remains a difficult mission. We would like to thank all colleagues, networking partners and supporters of the European Centre for your sustained endeavours in working towards equal chances, social inclusion, an end to poverty – and peace!