We are witnessing an acceleration of global challenges from climate change and economic turmoil to regional (surrogate) wars and the COVID-19 pandemic. It is therefore important to continue all our efforts towards finding shared approaches and cooperating across borders. The European Centre is always ready to contribute to these efforts and to underpin strategies for appropriate social policies by empirical research, the exchange of good practices and related evidence. Together with our partners from the UNECE Region we adamantly trust in the coming of a more ‘friendly decade’ for social policy, including actions to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to develop more integrated care systems.
Over the past few years, the European Centre has become a place where decent and flexible working conditions, stable employment contracts and the opportunity to develop personal skills have become a centerpiece of management strategies. During the pandemic this has resulted in new types of learning and working – from home (wherever this may be) or at the premises that have never been completely closed. Like any other
organisation we had to learn new ways of communicating, of presenting online, and of meeting with colleagues and partners.
Our expertise, activities, projects, publications and presentations are showcased in this Annual Report of Activities 2021.