Exclusion of drug offenders: Discourses on measures for addicted lawbreakers




Eisenbach-Stangl, I. & Stangl, W. (2018). Exklusion von Drogentätern. Diskurse über Maßnahmen für Suchtkranke Rechtsbrecher. Österreichische Juristenzeitung, 40(7), 299-305.


The measure for lawbreakers who need to be weaned according to § 22 StGB is characterized by restrictions of the prescribed compulsory treatment. In the debates of the Criminal Law Commission of 1955, the provisions for weaning were formulated, while drug offenders with long prison sentences were excluded from the measure. Only through § 68 a StVG, which came into force with the Great Criminal Law Reform, a treatment access was opened also for (drug) offenders convicted to several years of imprisonment. The present study is dedicated to the genesis of the weaning process and its change of meaning: Part 1 analyses the reasons for the exclusion of drug offenders.



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