To compare various countries experiences with irregular migration, the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research coorganized an International Expert Meeting on the initiative of and in cooperation with the Israeli Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
The conference, entitled "Irregular Migration: Dynamics, Impact, Policy Options", took place in Jerusalem from the 29th of August to the 2nd of September 1999 and brought together researchers, government officials, and representatives of NGOs, international organizations and migrants organizations from Israel, Europe and North America.
The present volume collects the papers presented at this meeting. Part I contains six papers presented in the first session of the meeting, which was devoted to the situation of irregularly resident migrants in receiving countries. In her paper, Joanne van der Leun presents findings of a research project on undocumented migrants in the Netherlands.
Mamadou Diouck focuses on the situation of migrants in an irregular situation in France from the point of view of an activist for the "Sans-Papiers" movement.
Two papers give an insight into the problems associated with the presence of undocumented foreign workers in Israel- a country for which the inflow of non-Jewish migrants is only a very recent phenomenon:
- Binyamin Fefferman presents results from a survey among undocumented migrants whereas Shmuel Amir describes why the strong dependency of foreign workers on their Israeli employers drives many of them to search for jobs outside the system of legal employment.
- The situation of undocumented migrants in Italy and the various policies targeting the phenomenon of illegal migration in this new country of immigration are the two main topics in Paolo Ruspinis contribution.
- Karl Hutters account of the situation of women trafficked into forced prostitution in Austria and the initiatives taken to prevent violence against these women concludes the list of papers in this part of the publication.
In part II, three papers focus on the consequences of irregular migration for the host countries.
- Eran Yashiv contributes to this part with an econometric analysis of the effects of Palestinian workers on Israels labour market.
- Bimal Ghosh gives a broad overview of all forms and consequences of irregular migration, including effects on the labour market, the welfare system, structural adjustment, productivity, criminality, national sovereignty and international relations.
- Finally, Barry Chiswick concentrates on the economic impact of illegal migration on the host economy.
The general theme of part III is how to deal with irregular migration politically.
- Focusing on migrant trafficking and human smuggling, Frank Laczko and Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels argue in their paper that the most important precondition for effective policy measures to target these phenomena is a clear definition and distinction between them.
- Jean-Pierre Garson and Manolo Abella both deal with the question of what makes amnesties successful; the latter author also analyses the strengths and weaknesses of employer sanctions.
- In a second paper, co-written by Lucille Barros, Jean-Pierre Garson presents a variety of possible measures to combat the illegal employment of foreign worers.
The list of papers in part IV is closed with a summary of the principal conclusions of an OECD-seminar on "Preventing and Combating the Employment of Foreigners in an Irregular Situation", which was held in The Hague in April 1999.
The volume is rounded out with short reports of the discussions following the presentations in each session, a report of the on-site visits in Tel Aviv organized for the experts on the third day of the conference (part III) and a summary of the meeting, which was prepared by Marvin Ishai on behalf of the co-organizing Israeli Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (part V).
- Introduction: Approaches to Migrants in an Irregular Situation by August Gächter / Harald Waldrauch / Dilek Cinar
- Modes of Incorporation. Undocumented Migrants in an Advanced Welfare State. The Case of the Netherlands by Joanne P. van der Leun
- "Sans-Papiers" in France by Mamadou Diouck
- Foreign Workers Employed Illegally in Israel by Binyamin Fefferman
- Living on the Edge: Irregular Immigrants in Italy by Paolo Ruspini
- Overseas Foreign Workers in Israel: Policy Aims and Labour Market Outcomes by Shmuel Amir
- Preventing Violence against Women Trafficked into Forced Prostitution by Karl David Hutter
- Palestinian Workers in Israel: Patterns of Employment by Eran Yashiv
- Social and Economic Consequences of Irregular Migration by Bimal Ghosh
- The Economics of Illegal Migration for the Host Economy by barry R. Chiswick
- Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe: A Note on Data and Definitions by Frank Laczko / Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels
- Migration and Employment of Undocumented Workers: Do Sanctions and Amnesties Work? by Manolo I. Abella
- Amnesty Programmes: Recent Lessons by Jean-Pierre Garson
- Measures Undertaken to Combat the Employment of Foreigners in an Irregular Situation by Lucile Barros /Hean-Pierre Garson
- Irregular Migration: Dynamics, Impact, Policy Options by Marvin Ishai
- Preventing and Combating the Employment of Foreigners in an Irregular Situation: OECD Conclusions
- Report of the Proceedings, Parts I-IV