The European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research supports the Sustainable Development Goals
The European Disability Expertise (EDE) started in July 2020 as the successor to the Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED, December 2007 - May 2019). It is managed by the Human European Consultancy and its second contract period was from December 2021 to June 2023. Under this contract, as with the European network of academic experts in the field of disability (ANED), data on disability across the EU was assessed. Magdi Birtha is one of the senior experts in the EDE network.
The general purpose of the European Disability Expertise (EDE) project is to collect, analyse and provide independent and scientific data and information relating to national disability policies and legislation and their relationship to policy and legislation at EU level, as well as on the situation of persons with disabilities. The information and data collected is intended to support the European Commission by:
Task 2.4 Ad-hoc theme: Disability-relevance of quality assurance systems in social services – Darja Zaviršek (task leader) and Magdi Birtha (rapporteur) - synthesis report published in November 2023
Good quality social services can support and enable the development of the person's autonomy, promote conciliation of work and family life for relatives, protect fundamental rights and facilitate social inclusion of persons with disabilities. For this purpose, the study gathers evidence on the existence of frameworks, definitions and assessment systems and procedures used to measure the quality of social services used by persons with disabilities in Member States to improve their quality. Promising practices that could be scaled up in Member States and areas for improvement are identified. The key findings shall also give a reflection on how much are the principles of independent living and the UN CRPD provisions included in the quality assessment processes of social services in EU Member States and on whether a focus on persons with disabilities is present. It is also important to reflect whether national quality frameworks for social services have already taken into account the European Commission's 2010 document entitled ‘A Voluntary European Quality Framework for Social Services’.
The European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research supports the Sustainable Development Goals