The final conference of the “FELM” project (Better Functioning of the European Construction Labour Market) brought together around 50 persons representing employer and worker organizations from many EU countries as well as EU level social partners, along with civil society and researchers on the 25 April. The full day event was greeted by Josef Muchitsch, Federal Chairman of GBH, Austria and Christoph Wiesinger, Referent at WKO, Austria. Our colleagues Sonila Danaj, Elif Naz Kayran and Eszter Zolyomi presented the findings of the research followed by reflections of invited experts in two thematic sessions. Jonathan Cornah, Policy Officer EFBWW, and Christine Le Forestier, Director of Social Affairs FIEC delivered the project recommendations. Mr. Cosmin Boiangiu, Executive Director of the European Labour Authority presented ELA's Action on Construction and reflected on project findings. The concluding remarks were delivered by Tom Deleu, EFBWW Secretary General, and Christine Le Forestier, FIEC Director of Social Affairs.