On 21-22 June 2022, the European Centre organised and facilitated the Peer Review “The integrated policy approach applied for vulnerable groups of society with the Active Inclusion Integration Platform (AIIP) of the Republic of Kosovo”. Beside the Republic of Kosovo that acted as a host country, 4 peer country delegations from Armenia, Albania, Moldova and North Macedonia took an active part and shared their experiences about ongoing reforms linked to integrated case management to support vulnerable groups. Delegations consisted of representatives of the relevant Ministries, Employment Agencies, as well as Centres for Social Work, which contributed to a fruitful and constructive discussion about common challenges and promising policy solutions, with additional contributions from some key international experts. Check more details on the EESPN
This was the first Peer Review, under the project “Bridge Building Peer Reviews and Trainings: Mutual Learning Activities in BB countries”, financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection. There will be 3 more mutual learning events taking place in the coming months on different aspects of social policies in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries.