The new posting project that will be implemented between January 2021 and June 2022 aims to improve the evidence base for a policy regulating posted work – by collecting and analysing (via focus groups) narratives from posted workers about how their work shapes their lives and affects their economic security. The partners are the University of Jyväskylä acting as project lead; the University of Padua; the University of Copenhagen; the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research; the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy Sciences and Arts; and the Maria Curie-SkÅ‚odowska University.
Partners will collect biographical interviews and conduct focus groups with experts and stakeholders in six European countries: Austria, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Poland, and Slovenia. However, the workers interviewed will in some cases be posted from outside the EU. Project findings will be published in six ETUI Policy Briefs and in a final report, and after project completion in at least five journal articles and an edited book or special journal edition. The project also includes dissemination activities such as a transnational workshop in Vienna and a final policy conference in Brussels.