Project news: SWaPOL curriculum produced



In the project SWaPOL (Social Work and Policing) – co-funded by “ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships in Vocational Training” – researchers in Austria, Portugal and Belgium developed and tested a vocational training programme to enhance mutual trust between social workers and police officers.

A curriculum has been produced that can be applied flexibly to training-workshops in other countries and a Handbook for Trainers will be ready in November 2020. The themes selected for this training are

  • psycho-active substance use among young people, and
  • the problem of homelessness.

Both themes are located at the intersection of policing and social work, and both problems call for a compromise between law enforcement and health promotion. Here, concepts of prevention are relevant and a discussion about respective practicalities and strategies in collaboration is at the centre of this vocational training. The training curriculum integrates theoretical inputs, exercises and excursions, and provides plenty of time for discussions about better collaboration between the professions.