High-level Meeting: Presenting research results to the EU Social Protection Committee



On 22 October 2019, Ricardo Rodrigues and Magdi Birtha were invited to the EU Social Protection Committee (SPC) to present the results of the project ‘Towards a rights-based approach in long-term care’ at the meeting of the Indicators’ sub-group. The SPC is an important advisory policy committee to the Ministers in the Employment and Social Affairs Council (EPSCO) and it monitors the social situation and the development of social protection policies in the Member States and in the EU. 

Our colleagues emphasised the importance of taking a human rights-based approach in long-term care by linking outcomes with structure and process indicators that are relevant in this context. Furthermore, they introduced two multi-dimensional tools developed by our research team to monitor policies for older people with care, or support needs: 

  • the Rights of Older People Index (ROPI) and
  • the Scoreboard on Outcome Indicators.

More information about the project results is available here.