On the 28 February 2019, the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (European Centre) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection (BMASGK) co-organised a peer review in the frame of the Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) project. The focus of the peer review was on how authorities and organisations manage posting and exchange knowledge and information, as well as establish and/or strengthen cooperation between the different institutions across the countries. The event was greeted by Eva-Maria Fehringer, Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection and by Federico Pancaldi, European Commission. Sonila Danaj (European Centre), Robert Murr (BMASGK) and Walter Gagawczuk (Arbeiterkammer) presented the Austrian experience, as the host country, in implementing the Enforcement Directive by focusing on access to information and transnational exchange and cooperation. While Cathleen Rabe-Rosendahl, Center for Social Research, Halle, Germany, and Sanja Cukut Krilić, ZRC SAZU, Slovenia, presented the experience of the peer countries, i.e. Germany and Slovenia respectively.