Effective and fair incentives for a longer working life and sustainable financing of old-age long-term care

(Effektive und faire Anreize für ein längeres Erwerbsleben sowie Sicherung der Alterspflege)


Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (Austria)

Institute of Advanced Studies (Austria)

Austrian Institute of Economic Research (Austria)


In collaboration with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, the European Centre organises three half-day discussion rounds on the following topics:

  • "Effective and Fair Incentives for a Longer Working Life": Presentation of sustainable and well targeted measures to increase the average pension age in Austria.

  • "Sustainable Financing of Old-age Long-term Care": Funding and systemic reorganisation of old-age long-term care in Austria in an international context: presentation of major (financial) challenges in long-term care, structural reform options (incentive systems, interface problems, etc.) and funding options.

The workshops include discussions with experts of other relevant institutions (Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Institute of Advanced Studies, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, etc.).


Head of Project: Bernd Marin

Project team EC: Michael Fuchs, Bernd Marin, Maria Hofmarcher-Holzhacker (till September 2013), Ricardo Rodrigues

Financed by: Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance


Conference & Workshop