The design of the social assistance benefit in Moldova: Improving targeting and supporting employment

06-07/09/2022 BB Peer reviews in social welfare


The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova and the European Centre invite you to participate in the online Peer review “The design of the social assistance benefit in Moldova: Improving targeting and supporting employment”, hosted by Moldova on 6-7 September 2022.

This peer review will discuss Moldova’s approach towards minimum income guarantee and its attempts to improve social assistance targeting for the most vulnerable groups of society such as families with children, persons outside the labour market and pensioners. The aim is to share practical information about the Moldovan system on social assistance and its link to labour market activation measures (eligibility criteria, data on social assistance benefits vs. employment data, etc.). During the Peer Review, other countries will have the opportunity to present their experience, share good practices and lessons learned, be informed on EU good practices, and jointly formulate policy solutions.

For further information, please contact Magdi Birtha (, Team Lead Social Protection and Inclusion at the European Centre

Presentations of the BB Peer Review Moldova:

Armenia: The situation of State social assistance benefits in Armenia

Austria: Social assistance and means-tested minimum income in Austria

European Centre: Social assistance benefit systems in Western Balkan countries

Keynote: EU solutions to provide minimum income benefits, selected features that support activation of beneficiaries

Moldova: Risk profiling – Key instrument for planning inspections of social benefits assignments

Moldova: The design of the social assistance benefit in Moldova


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