General Assembly Meeting 2020

Social policy and research in the time of COVID-19 and beyond


Magdi Birtha, Sonila Danaj, Veronica Sandu, Eszter Zólyomi, Christian Boehler, Rahel Kahlert, Stefania Ilinca, Selma KadiRicardo Rodrigues, Leonard GeyerAnette ScoppettaMichael Fuchs, Tamara Premrov, Cassandra Simmons, Günter Stummvoll


The 46th Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors and the 30th NLO Assembly Meeting (GAM) took place on 20 & 21 October 2020 fully virtually. It focused on social policy and research in the time of COVID-19 and beyond. Researchers of the European Centre presented challenges, research results and policy recommendations to the Board of Directors, National Liaison Officials and observers. They focussed on the following topics:

Magdi Birtha, Sonila Danaj, Veronica Sandu, Eszter Zólyomi
Addressing unexpected risks in social and employment policy – Policy gaps in supporting the most vulnerable

Christian Boehler, Rahel Kahlert
Informing social policies through research – The context of ex-ante and ex-post approaches

Stefania Ilinca, Selma Kadi, Ricardo Rodrigues, Eszter Zólyomi
Gender and care in later life – Indicators and experiences to improve policy and research

Sonila Danaj, Leonard Geyer, Anette Scoppetta
Building the future of work together – Comprehensive measurement, social dialogue and integrated policies

Michael Fuchs, Tamara Premrov, Cassandra Simmons
Inter- and intra-generational solidarity – The case of transfers in cash and in kind (This presentation will be provided as soon as the client has released the respective data.)

Stefania Ilinca, Selma Kadi, Günter Stummvoll
Research for, research about and research with target groups – Participatory research to increase quality and impact