The role of programme theories in evaluation


Rahel Kahlert


Karin Kohlweg, pme Kohlweg Consulting & European Evaluation Society (Austria)

Lisa Ringhofer, TripleMinds (Austria)


With theory-based evaluation, evaluators are expected to work on the basis of a programme theory and verify the different causal links.

But what exactly is a programme theory? Is it the same as a mental model, causal map, results chain, log frame or impact pathway? Can these terms be used interchangeably? And if not, what is the difference? If done well, what are the benefits and "added value" of being so “theory-driven”?
When programmes and projects are evaluated, we find that the focus is often placed on the implementation side – which of course is necessary and useful. But what about the “theory“ that should guide the implementation of activities and strategies? How often is this "theory" questioned? Aren’t programmes often based on (implicit) assumptions but not on "proven theories"?

Karin Kohlweg and Lisa Ringhofer reflected on these aspects from a practitioners’ viewpoint and illustrated how programme theory can be used for planning, managing, monitoring and evaluation.


Conference & Workshop
15:00 - 16:30


European Centre