Newsletter February 2021


Key findings to tackle homelessness

The project ‘Mapping trends and policies to tackle homelessness in Europe’  aimed to provide a comparative assessment of national policies within corresponding social and health systems to prevent and address homelessness. We first developed a framework to measure relevant policies (read the Policy brief & see graph below):

Subsequently, we conducted a comparative analysis with the following key findings:

  • Not all European Union countries acknowledge the right to adequate housing as an individual enforceable right. And even if the right is acknowledged, the rights frequently do not generate effective policy outcomes for people who are at risk of homelessness or already homeless.
  • From a systemic policy perspective, homelessness is characterized by insufficient resources allocated by governments to abandon it and by subjective as well as objective access barriers for people to benefits and service. This results in inadequate coverage and/or non-take up of benefits and services.
  • Important findings furthermore include that access to adequate housing frequently is also restricted for vulnerable groups, mainly due to limited supply. Absence of reliable funding and sufficient affordable housing supply hinder a more widespread use of ‘housing first’ approaches.
  • While inadequate minimum income benefits represent a major problem for homeless people, housing allowances lose their preventive function if inadequate compensation for real housing costs is provided.
  • Despite wide-ranging health services for homeless people across Member States, barriers remain in utilizing these services. Improving access to healthcare will require addressing access barriers in mainstream healthcare services (e.g. eligibility conditions, lack of address). Read the Info sheet

Bridge Building in the Spotlight

Training on planning and organising multi-stakeholder Theory of Change processes

The InCARE project team completed a training session on designing, organising and moderating Theory of Change processes on 25 February 2021. Representatives of public and non-governmental organisations in the Republic of North Macedonia, Spain and Austria will organise local Theory of Change workshops to support the design and implementation of community-based long-term care services pilots. Policy makers, researchers, care professionals, service providers, care users and their families will come together to outline the strategic direction for the development of local long-term care services during the local Theory of Change workshops. Further trainings are upcoming on evaluation, financing and peer-to-peer learning from international experiences.

New publications

New policy brief: Tackling homelessness in Europe – Data & data collection methods

This Policy brief aims to examine what data currently exist on the homeless population and homelessness policy outcomes. Moreover, it addresses the most pressing issues regarding data collection.


New report: A tool to collect and assess good practices in community-based services for older people

The report presents a tool for the assessment and evaluation of what is a good/promising practice of non-residential community-based services for older people.


New policy brief: Tackling homelessness in Europe – A framework

This Policy brief presents a framework to assess and monitor policies for tackling homelessness in Europe. The brief was prepared as part of the project ‘Mapping trends and policies to tackle homelessness in Europe’, financed by the more

EESPN newsletter: November 2021 issue

We would like to introduce the November 2021 issue of the EESPN newsletter. We feature new projects, calls & publications on new social policy measures relevant to the Bridge Building (BB) region. Read more more

Upcoming & past online events

SMUG Kick-Off Webinar: Uncovering gaps in the social protection of posted workers

The Virtual SMUG Kick-off Webinar seeks to serve two purposes: 1) introduce the project ‘Secure Mobility: Uncovering gaps in the social protection of posted workers’ to interested stakeholders; and 2) co-define the project path with more

International Seminar: Birgit Riedel talked about opening the market for childcare in Germany

Birgit Riedel’s team empirically studied the new agents and policy articulation in childcare at a local level. Despite the paradigmatic shift in national legislation local patterns were identified which suggest a complex picture of more

Posting.STAT Kick off: The collection & analysis of national data on intra-EU posting

The new project 'Enhancing the collection and analysis of national data on intra-EU posting' (Posting.Stat) kicked off on 11 February 2021 with an online event organized by the lead partner HIVA - Research Institute for Work and more