Disability-relevance of quality assurance systems in social services

Synthesis report with input from the country experts of the European Disability Expertise (EDE)




European Commission, written by M. Birtha (2023). Disability-relevance of quality assurance systems in social services - Synthesis report with input from the country experts of the European Disability Expertise (EDE), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2023.


As one of the flagship initiatives of the EU Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, the European Commission will present, by 2024, a specific Framework for Social Services of Excellence for Persons with Disabilities, in order to improve service delivery for persons with disabilities and to enhance the attractiveness of jobs in this area, including through upskilling and reskilling service providers. Related to this initiative, the synthesis report, written by Magdi Birtha is building on evidence from 29 country reports on existing frameworks, definitions and assessment systems and procedures that are in place to measure the quality of social services used by persons with disabilities. 


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