Current Projects

Technical support for the development and update of EUROMOD – EUROMODupdate 2021-2024

01/01/2021 - 31/12/2024

EUROMODupdate3 draws on the previous update rounds (2009-2011 and 2012-2020) and aims to further develop and update the EUROMOD microsimulation model. A Policy Update 2021–2024 and subsequent updates to 2019–20–21 and 2022 (in 2024) EU-SILC data are part of this round.


Facts & Figures on long-term care – Facts & Figures

18/01/2024 - 31/12/2024

15 years ago, the European Centre pioneered by publishing the first report with facts and figures on long-term care that was followed by a second edition in 2012, in collaboration with the WHO Europe and INRCA (Italy). These reports provided a broad picture of the state of play of care needs of the population and of care systems. They served as a basis for informing the development of ageing and care policies in an international comparative perspective at the time. One decade later it is time for another update, considering the changed context conditions and policy developments as well as new data sources. Supported by the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, the project will gather knowledge and show trends in demand and supply of long-term care in Europe over time, including the identification of data and research gaps as well as priorities for policymaking.


Contracting chains and recruitment patterns of posted third-country nationals within the European Union – TCN Study

18/01/2024 - 31/12/2024

This study concerns the collection of background material and drafting of a report on contracting chains and recruitment patterns of posted third-country nationals within the European Union.


European Community of Practice on Partnership – ECoPP

06/10/2021 - 30/12/2024

The European Community of Practice on Partnerships is set up to review the existing European Code of Conduct and prepare proposals for its update for 2021-2027 period. 


The effect of COVID-19 on poverty and material deprivation of children in Austria – covchild

01/01/2023 - 31/10/2024

We contribute to the raising of empirical evidence on poverty and material deprivation of children in Austria by analysing the respective consequences of the COVID-19 crisis during 2020 and 2021. The study takes a comprehensive approach and analyses different aspects related to child poverty.
