Transforming disability welfare policies

Towards work and equal opportunities


Christopher Prinz, Monika Queisser, Deborah Mabbett, Berglind Ásgeirsdòttir, W. Roy Grizzard, Jean-Yves Hocquet, Adele D. Furrie, Irene Hoskins, Vladimir Kosic, Steen Bengtsson, Joakim Palme, Peter Scherer, Colin Barnes, Philip R. de Jong, Kenneth S. Apfel, Stanislawa Golinowska, Chiara Saraceno, Hedva Sarfati, Rebecca Endean, Erik Samoy, Jan Rydh, Charlotte Strümpel, Vappu Taipale, Dennis J. Snower, Emily S. Andrews, David Kalisch, Raymond Wagener, Harold L. Wilensky, Christoph M. Schmidt, Philippe Askenazy, Hartmut Haines, Richard V. Burkhauser, David C. Stapleton, Björn Hvinden, Rick van der Ploeg, Stefan Trömel, Luis Cayo Pérez Bueno, Mikael Klein, David Morris, Agnès Roche de la Porte des Vaux


Bernd Marin, Christopher Prinz, Monika Queisser




Marin, B., Prinz, Ch. & Queisser, M. (Eds.) (2004). Transforming Disability Welfare Policies. Towards Work and Equal Opportunities, Public Policy and Social Welfare 29. Farnham (UK): Ashgate.


On the occasion of 'The European Year of People with Disabilities 2003', the OECD and the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research organised an international conference at the UNOV in Vienna on 'Transforming disability into ability'. The purpose of this event was to discuss disability policies for the working-age population. The conference addressed key challenges in disability policy, and discussed policy recommendations as outlined in the recent OECD report. The main policy conclusions from the report formed the basis for the thematic sessions. The conference was organised around five themes:

  • What do we mean by "being disabled"?
  • What rights and responsibilities for society and for persons with disabilities?
  • Who needs activation, how, and when?
  • How should disability benefits be structured?
  • What should and what can employers do?

More than 40 invited speakers discussed proposals for more effective disability policies and the improvement of existing institutions and measures in light of best practices in international comparison. Particular emphasis was placed on the implementation of the report´s policy conclusions. One session of the conference was devoted to the discussion of 'Barriers to participation' from the perspective of disabled people; it was organized by an international association of organisations representing disabled people.

This book is a follow-up of the OECD report on 'Transforming disability into ability' (2003) as well as a twin publication to the recent Ashgate volume on 'European disability pension policies' (Prinz Ed. 2003) and to the companion booklet on 'Facts and figures on disability welfare. A pictographic portrait of an OECD report' (Marin / Prinz 2003). It brings together contributions from inter-governmental institutions such as the OECD, the European Centre, the WHO, the World Bank, from several former and acting government representatives, ministries concerned with disability issues, the business community, the European Disability Forum and from experts from national, regional and local NGOs, as well as authors from universities and research centres.


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